Reviews & Interviews

Karen’s reviews of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry have appeared in venues such as Kirkus Reviews, High Country News, Publisher’s Weekly, The Rumpus, Bookbrowse, and Foreword Reviews, among others. She is also an occasional interviewer of poets about their books and lives. Read some of her selected conversations below.
Poetry Northwest
How does an artist have a generous heart and a fearless practice that’s also boundaried? It’s a question I consider continually and that I’ll ask with each book. There needs to be a kind of sacred space between the reader and the poet, for both of their sakes.
Read about Danika Stegeman
I think there are these moments in our lives that feel saturated or permeated with significance, but we aren’t really sure why. We tell them over and over again trying to figure out what it is about them, why we keep re-turning towards them…
Read about Elizabeth Hoover

Listen to Karen read her poem The Roses and poems by Frank X. Gaspar, Elizabeth Hoover, Danika Stegeman, and Sharon Suzuki-Martinez on Spokane Public Radio’s weekly show Poetry Moment.

Listen to Karen read her poems on Indiana’s WFIU PUBLIC MEDIA on July 21, 2024, and September 29, 2024 and December 1, 2024

Karen served as a poetry mentor in the Writer to Writer Mentorship Program during Season 20 (2024) and Season 18 (2023).
Cerise Press
From 2009-2013, Karen co-founded and co-edited Cerise Press, an international online journal of literature, arts, & culture. Read more about its history.