Micro Essay
Little Somethings Press
White Carnation, Issue Five, 2023
The Literary Bohemian
Monument, 2010
Nonwhite and Woman

ISBN: 978-1949116-69-4
“Nonwhite and Woman celebrates how women of color live and thrive in the world, and how they make their lives their own. The anthology’s title is from Lucille Clifton’s luminous poem, ‘won’t you celebrate with me‘, which serves as the anthology’s epigraph…”
Edited by Darien Hsu Gee and Carla Crujido
Best Small Fictions 2022

ISBN: 979-8218158-47-7
“Best Small Fictions is the first ever contemporary anthology solely dedicated to anthologizing […] the best micro fiction, flash fiction, haibun stories and prose poetry from around the world.”
Edited by Nathan Leslie and Elaine Chiew
Branching Out: International Tales of Brilliant Flash Fiction

ISBN: 978-1639014-03-3
Branching Out features 300-word stories by 67 authors from Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, Malta, New Zealand, Nigeria, the Philippines, Scotland, and the United States.
Edited by Brilliant Flash Fiction
Zizzle Selects

ISBN: 978-9887936-03-9
“…flash fiction stories selected from previous issues of Zizzle for their nuanced sensibility, humor, suspense, and dark fantasy. Authors include winners of major literary awards, creative writing professors, popular YA novelists, as well as some new bold voices.”
Edited by Zizzle Literary
Flash: The International Short‑Short Story Magazine
Lure of Danger, Issue 10.2, Oct. 2017